
Every day, in a consultation room, the patients land; broken, sick and marked by life. In front of them, sits an invested person who tries, without false hope, to repair the bodies and the psyches. In this cramped room where the world and a suffering humanity parade, each one of them confides in a disarming authenticity. At night, when the doors of the resources are closed, street workers storm the city to extend their support to all those unfortunate people who elected the street as their home. The metropolis becomes a veritable open-air refuge where a series of unexpected encounters, places full of strangeness, scattered discussions, wandering souls and dormant bodies hidden from the eyes of passers-by as ghostly visions the night.

Director and Screenwriter: Steve Patry
Cinematographer: Steve Patry
Editor: Natalie Lamoureux
Sound Design: Marie-Pierre Grenier
Music: Bertrand Blessing
Sound Recording: Nicolas Goyette / Steve Patry
Producers: Les Films de l’autre – Steve Patry


Shooting Format


Additional Details

Available Subtitle


Screening Formats

  • DVD,
  • AppleProRes,
  • DCP,
  • H.264


Provided By

  • Les Films du 3 Mars logo