PRIVATE PAGES allows users to present online screenings of one or many films/videos to a select group/audience on VUCAVU. The function uses a page on the platform that is restricted/hidden and which can only be accessed online by those who have the unique login credentials for that specific page.  

Licensing is determined in consultation with the relevant content partner(s)/distributors responsible for the rights of the selected films/videos and varies based on details like duration of access and size of audience.

The design of Private Pages is based on our programming page template. You can see examples of program design layout options by looking at our curated program archive : https://vucavu.com/en/archived-programs 


  1. The client contacts VUCAVU or the distributor of the film/video about creating a Private Page for a single or a selection of works they want to present to an audience.
  2. Any works found in the shared catalogue on the platform can be included. ​
  3. For programming purposes, VUCAVU can also temporarily host 3rd party films/videos that are not part of our partner's collections. Licensing fees of these 3rd party works is the client's responsibility and the films/videos are taken off the platform at the end of the screening period.
  4. Once licensing parameters are finalized, VUCAVU creates a secure Private Page to view the selection of works online through a restricted page that can only be accessed online by a user using a specific username + password.
  5. Private Pages content can be tailored to the clients’ specific needs. For example, the page can include teaching prompts, embedded videos, images reference links or embedded PDF’s, etc...
  6. The Private Page User login credentials are used to watch the film(s) remotely for a predetermined amount of time. There is no limit to how many people can use the same login information to access this page at the same time.
  7. Licensing parameters (price + duration of access to selected works) are determined in consultation with the distributor of the work(s) selected.


Private Pages a great way to share works from VUCAVU’s shared catalogue with your audience/group and know that the majority of the licensing fees collected for a Private Page are give to the artist/rights holder.

By selecting works from the shared catalogue for your screening, you are showing independently-made films and videos with unique cultural perspectives created by diverse groups of artists from across Canada. You can present works in multiple languages and themes that are accessible for anywhere with an internet connected device.


  • Clients can request a free, time-limited Curator/Researcher Accounts to preview and select works that will lead to creating a Private Page. 
  • Choose from over 1,500 films and videos available to the public, or from over 4,000 restricted films pages in VUCAVU's vast shared catalogue.