
BROUILLARD – passage #14 is the result of in-camera temporal layers shot on the path that extends from the filmmaker's family cottage to a lake.

“In his ongoing brouillard – passages series, Alexandre Larose creates long-take sequences by superimposing first-person, Hamish Fulton-esque walking trajectories shot along a man-made path leading to a lake. Using a lens wide enough to condense the human eye’s field of vision into the frame’s 1.33 aspect ratio, Larose creates spectral superimpositions infused with a meteorological mix and the intense lusciousness of the Quebec landscape.” -- Andréa Picard


Shooting Format


Additional Details

Available Subtitle


Screening Formats

  • 35 mm,
  • AppleProRes,
  • H.264


Provided By

  • CFMDC Logo