
Semper Porro is a rhythmic composition of abstracted images derived from nature and droning -generative sound derived from the film-material itself. Shot on location in Wellington North County, Ontario, at the Film Farm - the film's title is also the motto for the county, a Latin term meaning always forward or ever forward. While implicating the linear and temporal nature of film as a medium the title simultaneously makes reference to the geographic origin of the films content. The film is a process-based work, created using high-contrast 16mm black and white film that has been heavily manipulated by optical duplication, hand-processing experimentation and colouring by a hand split-toning method. Leveraging a range of techniques and processes unique to the medium, the films' main subject becomes a self-reflexive and organic meditation on the celluloid object itself, primarily concerned with its own unique material qualities.


Shooting Format


Additional Details

Available Subtitle

Screening Formats

  • 16 mm,
  • AppleProRes


Provided By

  • CFMDC Logo