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Shot in black-and-white and sepia tones, No You Cyant Touch It! incorporates an understanding of race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality as it deals with Black women’s favourite obsession - hair - from an interesting perspective. The film’s creatrix and subject examines the link between her locks, her Black, queer identity, and other people’s understanding/assumptions of who she is and where she “belongs.” The stark tones and political subject matter are mediated by T.J. Bryan’s lyrical poetics.


Shooting Format


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Available Subtitle

Screening Formats

  • Beta SP


  • Director: Rhizome Syndrigast Coelacanth Flourishing

Provided By

  • CFMDC Logo

Additional Resources

CFMDC – Archive/Counter-Archive Educational Guide
Beyond The Narrative: Addressing Race and Erasure in Queer Experimental Film Collections
Curator: Mahlet Cuff

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