Content Focus works with independent film and video distributors from across the country to improve access to Canadian artworks and provide greater national and international awareness of our filmmakers, video artists and culture. currently streams about 1,500+ films and videos with an additional 4000+ for research purposes that span 50+ years of Canadian moving image art to the public. was developed by the not-for-profit Coalition of Canadian Independent Media Art Distributors (CCIMAD) and launched in 2017. Established in 2013, CCIMAD is a group of independent Canadian film and video distributors with the goal to improve international and national accessibility to their catalogues through a shared digital distribution strategy.

VUCAVU is always working to expand its reach and to develop new partnerships. Our main goals are to invest our resources in creating new online revenue streams and aid in the dissemination of artworks made by independent Canadian artists across the country and to the rest of the world.

** Canadian filmmakers and video artists who wish to be included on VUCAVU should inquire about distribution services with one of our CONTENT partners.


VUCAVU’s Artists

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