Udval Altangerel is a filmmaker and programmer based in Ulaanbaatar and Los Angeles. In her work, she combines experimental, documentary, and narrative elements to explore the themes of personal and national histories, language, and (home)land. She is currently taking time off her studies at CalArts to work on her thesis, an autoethnographic essay film about her ancestral land.
Artist Website: https://udvalaltangerel.com
Federica Foglia is a transnational visual artist, currently completing her MFA at York University. She is interested in issues of migration, displacement, women of the diaspora, accented cinema, and finding a visual language to represent these experiences. Her practice revolves around the remediation of archival materials, collage films with emulsion lifting, and performative and expanded cinema.
Artist Website: https://www.federicafoglia.com/
David Howlett (he/him) is a Montréal/Ottawa-based artist who works across various new media disciplines. He has particular interest in technology and interactivity in art. He loves video, audio, sculpture, games, programming, dancing, banjo, and people.
Artist Website: https://davidmbhowlett.wordpress.com/
Noncedo Khumalo is a Canadian born Animator and Filmmaker raised in Swatini, South Africa, and Botswana. She is influenced by her multicultural upbringing and Black Womanhood.