
Using the voice as a metaphor for political voice, Stephen Chen traces his journey as a male mezzo, faced with prejudice and marginalization back in Singapore, and later in North America. The schooling and suppression of his voice becomes interwoven with his experiences of colonialism and exile. Playing with the biography documentary form, DOH! OH DEAR, A FEMALE TEAR! brackets issues of voice / gender / representation as Stephen traces his westernization, the discovery and silencing of his voice, and people’s reactions in Singapore and North America. Reflecting on the “unsettling” quality of his voice, Stephen decided to exploit the perceptual disconnect to expose boundaries and raise debates when he moved to North America, but “all they wanted me to do was play the King of the fairies” he laments.

Shooting Format


Additional Details

Available Subtitle


Screening Formats

  • AppleProRes,
  • H.264


Provided By

  • CFMDC Logo