
A walk through the city of Maputo becomes a poetic visual essay. Inspired by two Mozambican poems, its central themes are: shoes, time, space, history, humanity, reading the asphalt and the intrusive effect of a camera. Scenes from everyday life and a series of portraits link with radio loops and local ambiance sound. The curious gaze of a foreigner gradulally evolves to the fascinated look of a gues enchanted by the city and its people. Strangeness, obstruction and mutual unease are step by step replaced by contact and communication. Distance and closeness measured in feet: the theme for a possible poem, the theme for a possible film...

Shooting Format


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Available Subtitle


Screening Formats

  • 16 mm,
  • AppleProRes,
  • Beta SP,
  • H.264


Provided By

  • CFMDC Logo