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A surreal odyssey into the mind and art of Robert Pasternak, a visionary artist born in Winnipeg in 1963. Pasternak is a colourful eccentric who moves seamlessly from metaphysical paintings and science-fiction illustration to hand-processed film and collage with found materials. With a mix of new age philosophy, comic book ambition and a belief in the interconnectedness of events, the artist creates a makeshift universe where his work and audience can meet. His studio and personality reflect his artistic practice, filled with salvaged material, vintage memorabilia, and millions of unfinished projects awaiting inspiration.



Titre original ou alternatif

  • The Wonderful Worlds of Nak

Format de tournage initial


Renseignements additionnels

Sous-titres disponibles

Formats de projection

  • DVD,
  • AppleProRes,
  • BluRay,
  • H.264


Fourni par

  • Winnipeg Film Group logo