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Kolam (Pool) is a touching portrait of a community attempting to rebuild and heal itself following the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami that shocked the world. The titular swimming pool is a temporary makeshift basin created to help the children of Aceh, Indonesia, face their fear of water and learn to swim again, despite the losses their community suffered when the sea came crashing in. Chong Chan Fui observes their progress with affection and a poet’s eye.” 
- Andrea Picard, Toronto International Film Festival

In Indonesian, Acehnese and English with English subtitles.

Awards: Winner of the Award for Best Canadian Short, Toronto International Film Festival, 2007. 
Named One of the Top Ten Canadian Short Films of 2007 by the Toronto International Film Group.

Format de tournage initial

Renseignements additionnels

Sous-titres disponibles


Formats de projection

  • AppleProRes,
  • Beta SP,
  • H.264


Fourni par

  • CFMDC logo