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Built from artifacts recovered from her own then her mother's storage closet, Confessions of a Compulsive Archivist follows the filmmaker's tragic-comic struggle to let go of a few things of obviously no use to her. Part found footage film, part camera-less video, it turns stuff that should have been thrown out long ago into a poignant study of the relationship between the creative imagination and our attachments, be they material or emotional.

“[One of] about a dozen superlative selections by women, [and an example of] an intriguing crop of new video works examining the medium's widespread, elemental function as a kind of experiential logbook.” 
- David Balzer, Cinemascope


Format de tournage initial


Renseignements additionnels

Sous-titres disponibles


Formats de projection

  • AppleProRes,
  • Beta SP,
  • MiniDV,
  • H.264


Fourni par

  • CFMDC logo